Vision and Mission of the College


The vision of Murshidabad Adarsha Mahavidyalaya is to transform this college into a centre of excellence in the district of Murshidabad, in West Bengal, and India. The college aspires to soar high despite difficulties and challenges and is single-minded about generating useful human resources. The college is strongly determined to disseminate knowledge and education smoothly and freely among all strata of society, irrespective of caste, creed, gender and religion, and among various weaker, underprivileged, poverty-stricken, differently-abled and the so-called ‘the other’ people. The college has a responsibility to make every student a respectable and responsible citizen of India. The college emphasizes the career building of the students as well as a sound value-based education so that the ward contributes to the holistic development of the country as well as the locality the pupil belongs to. The college particularly focuses on women's education, women's empowerment, and gender-bias-free development, especially because of the minority-based migrant labour population (mostly Muslims) of the locality. The college inculcates among its pupils a strong sense of obligation towards the Constitution of India and Human Rights.

Long-term Mission:

  • To create an enlightened society by educating the younger section of the society and making them competent for the development of the nation.
  • To orient the younger generation with multidisciplinary courses and make them capable of pursuing higher studies and research activities.
  • To provide quality education to all the students of the area irrespective of any discrimination for integrated growth and personality development.
  • To create a quality youth force through value education beyond their syllabus so that they bear the responsibility to fight against ignorance, illiteracy and other social evils.
  • To explore the qualities and talents of the students and provide them with facilities for pursuance of their talents at the state and national levels and also mould their talents into professional skills.

Short-term Mission:

  1. To impart quality education to all students - irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion, socially and economically underprivileged, backward, and differently-abled.
  2. To be a strong contributor to the socio-economic, technico-scientific and sustainable environmental development changes in the locality.
  3. To build the characters of students by imparting sound value and morality-based education and scientific knowledge.
  4. To instil patriotism, nationalism, secularism, and fraternity in every heart through observations of various days like Republic Day, Independence Day etc.
  5. To focus on the career-building aspects of the students in this cut-throat competitive era.
  6. To inculcate discipline, hard work, mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation for each other, community service works in outreach neighbourhoods through NSS.
  7. To promote gender sensitization, ecological growth, constitutional rights, and human rights through various seminars, tree plantation programmes, campaigning, drives, and classroom discussions.
  8. To adopt all new technologies in the teaching-learning process under ICT-enabled methods.
  9. To encourage students to participate in the Students’ Seminar, Departmental Seminar, National Seminar, and International Seminar/Conference.
  10. To encourage students to write research papers, and dissertations, and involve themselves in various project works.
  11. To inspire students to be creative and original in writing poetry, essays, stories, painting, and in making anything new.
  12. To encourage students to participate in sports and cultural programmes, debates, quizzes, extempore, essay writing competitions, poster-making competitions, etc. in other colleges.
  13. To teach students how to use and maintain the infrastructural facilities of the college.
  14. To encourage teaching and non-teaching faculty to regularly participate in various FDP and MDP programs, to write research papers in UGC-approved spaces, and to undertake UGC-approved project work.
  15. To hold seminars, conferences, talks, awareness programmes, special lectures, and workshops of various levels regularly.
  16. To create a green, peaceful, noiseless study-conducive ambience in the college by instilling communal harmony, the spirit of unity, and a deep ecological sense.
  17. To maintain the biodiversity of the college campus.
  18. To maintain and sustain the cultural and linguistic heritage of the locality.
  19. To bring all stakeholders of the college under one umbrella for the all-round development of the college.
  20. To work heart and soul for the proper implementation and sustenance of NEP 2020.