Library Rules

1. Library/Identity card is must for all library transactions. Library cards are non-transferable.

2. Members are allowed to use reading room for reading purposes on submission of their reading cards.

3. The members have open access to the library. So, members have to keep their bags (excluding purse & mobile) in the baggage counter.

4. Users should ensure that when browsing through books they replace the item from where it was taken, according to the shelf arrangement. Feel free to seek staff assistance for replacing the books.

5. Users should avoid taking out several volumes of journals and books at any one moment.

6. The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.

7. The Students may borrow books for 15 days and may renew the same for additional 15 days.

8. Books once issued shall not be taken back on the same day.

9.Books lost, damaged, defaced or injured in any other way shall be replaced by the borrower

10. Before leaving the library each and every student must satisfy himself as to whether book (s) lent to him are in good condition and if not, he /she shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Librarian. Otherwise, he / she shall be held responsible for the replacement of the book (s) failing which the market price of the book shall be realized from him.

11. Loss of library cards should be reported immediately to the college authority.A fine of Rs.20/- will be charged for issuing a duplicate Library Card.

12. General Reference Books (e.g. dictionary, encyclopaedia), Subject Reference Books, CDs, Cassettes, Periodicals, Newspapers etc. are not allowed to issue for home. Members may consult these within the Library with special permission.

13. Library Clearance would not be issued without Library Cards.

9. Users should fully cooperate with the library staff. In case of any need, they should meet the Librarian.

10. Readers are liable to pay fine and / or punishment if they misuse / damage any books or journals.

11. Ex-Students and Visitors can also avail reading facility by taking special permission from the Principal/TIC of the college.

12. Users are requested to maintain silence in the library.

13. Usage of mobile phone in the library is strictly prohibited.

14. The library is a no-smoking zone.

15. Personal books are not allowed for reading in the library.

16. The Librarian may change any working days and hours, if necessary.

17.The persistent defaulters of various library rules will have their library services suspended.