1. GENERAL: These Regulations shall be called the University of Kalyani regulations for semesterized Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with continuous assessment pattern for Under-Graduate (UG) degree Programme. These regulations will come into effect from the academic year 2018-19. The three year’s (Six Semesters) Bachelor's degree programme inScience, Arts & Commerce in Semesterized CBCS System under Honours and Programme/General course will be held according to the following regulations. The Kalyani University Executive Council makes this Regulation in exercise of the power conferred upon it by section 49 of the KALYANI UNIVERSITY ACT, 1981 (amended upto 2012).
2.1. Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute one academic year.
2.2. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides choice to students for selection of courses from the prescribed courses (Core, Elective, Ability & Skill Enhancement courses).
2.3. Course: A component of a programme is usually referred to, as 'Papers'. All courses need not carry the same weight. The courses should define learning objectives and learning outcomes. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/tutorials/laboratory work/field work/outreach activities/project work/ Vocational training/viva/ seminar/Term Papers/assignment/presentation/self-study or a combination of some of these.
2.4. Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instruction required per week. One Credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (lecture or tutorial) or two hours of practical work/field work per week.
2.5. Credit Based Semester System (CBSS): Under CBSS, the requirement for awarding a degree or diploma or certificate is prescribed in terms of number of credits to be obtained by the students.
2.6. Credit Point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.
2.7. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): It is a measure of overall cumulative performance of a student over all semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses in all semesters and the sum of the total credits of all courses in all the semesters. It is expressed upto two decimal places.
2.8. Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on an l0-point' scale.
2 2.9. Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are denoted by letters 0, E, A, B, C, D, F and AB etc.
2.10. Programme: An educational programme leading to award of a degree, diploma or certificate.
2.11. Semester: Each semester will consist of 18 weeks of academic work equivalent to 90 actual teaching days. The odd semester may be scheduled from July to December and even semester from January to June of every year.
2.12. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): It is a measure of performance of work done in a semester. It is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses registered in a semester and the total course credits taken during that semester. It shall be expressed up to two decimal places.
2.13. Transcript or Grade Card or Certificate: Based on the grades earned, a grade certificate shall be issued to all the registered students after every semester. The grade certificate will display the course details (code, title, number of credits, grade secured) along with SGPA of that semester and CGPA earned till that semester
3.1. A Student shall be admitted into three years (six semester) Bachelor's degree programme under B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.(Hons. &Programme/General) courses of studies in semester-wise CBCS curricula or any other Bachelor's degree programme introduced by the University.
3.2 Duration of the semesters shall be; for I, III and V semesters-July to December and for II, IV and VI semesters -January to June of every year.
3.3 The admission to the UG Programme shall be as per the regulations and rules of the University of Kalyani.
3.4 The eligibility criteria for admission shall be announced by the University from time to time in adherence to guideline of the State Government and Executive Council of the University.
3.5. The admission to the Bachelor's degree programme shall only be in the first semester, at the beginning of academic year.
3.6 B.A./B.Sc./B.Com degree shall be awarded to students who complete the entire six (06) semesters Bachelor’s degree programme.
3.7 Each course offered will have three components associated with teaching learning process namely, (i) Lecture-L (ii) Tutorial-T, (iii) Practical-P; L-is for theory class lecture session; T-is for session consisting of participatory discussion/selfstudy/brief seminar presentation/solving problem sheet by students or any other novel method to make student absorb and assimilate more effectively.
P- is for Practical/Practice session for hands on experience/laboratory experiment/field studies/ case studies so that students acquire skill component. In term of credit, every 1 hour of Lecture per week is equivalent to 1 credit in a semester. 02 hours session of Tutorial or Practical per week is equivalent to 1 credit. The total credits earned by a student at the end of the semester upon successful completion of the courses are the summation of the credits earned in L+T+P.
3.8: Types of Courses: Courses in a programme may be of three kinds: Core, Elective and Foundation. Core Course: This is the course which is to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the programme in a said discipline of study. Elective Course: This is a course which can be chosen from a pool of papers. It may be:
1. Supportive to the discipline of study
2. Providing an expanded scope
3. Enabling an exposure to some other discipline/domain
4. Nurturing student’s proficiency/skill.
An Elective course may be of two (02) types: Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: A course, which may be offered by the main discipline/ subject of study, is referred to as Discipline Specific Elective. Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course, chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/ subject of study with an intention to seek an exposure, is called a Generic elective Course. [N.B.-A Core Course, offered in a discipline/ subject, may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject and vice-versa and electives chosen in such way referred to as Generic Elective. Dissertation/ Project: An elective course, designed to acquire special/ advanced knowledge, is termed as dissertation/ project. This is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in solving/ analyzing / exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. A dissertation/ project work will be of 6 credits. A dissertation/ project work may be given in lieu of a Discipline Specific Elective. Foundation Course: The Foundation Courses may be of two kinds: i) Ability Enhancement compulsory courses (AECC) ii) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Ability Enhancement Courses (AECC) is the courses based upon the content that leads to knowledge enhancement and consists of Environmental Studies and English/MIL Communication. These are mandatory for all disciplines. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): SEC is value-based and/ or skill-based and aimed at providing hand-on-training, competency, skill etc. There shall be 02 SECs for Honours degree and 04 SECs for Programme/General degree. These may be chosen from a pool of courses designed to provide value- based and/ or skill- based knowledge which would contain theory and laboratory/hands-on-training/ field work. The main purpose of these courses is to provide the students life-skill in hands-on-mode, so as to increase their employability. # Practical/Tutorial: One each with every Core, Discipline Specific and Generic Elective Paper. * The details of papers along with respective credit distribution patterns under Core, Elective, Ability Enhancement and Skill Enhancement courses for different Bachelor’s degree programme as per UGC model guidelines are given in ANNEXURE-I (Table:1, 2 & 3).
4.1. A student is required to attend all classes. Attendance in Theory and Practical/Tutorial classes shall be counted separately as per UGC guideline.
4.2: A candidate shall be allowed to appear at any of the semester-end-examinations if he/she has attended 75% or above in lectures/practical/Tutorial classes of the programme held during that semester. If the attendance falls below 75%, then he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the semesterend-examinations. He/she shall be allowed to take re-enrollment in corresponding semester, only in the next year as provided in clause no. 6.1.(a) & 6.1.(b). Candidate having the attendance below 75% except on justified medical ground but above 50% may be considered for appearing in the end semester examination subject to approval of the appeal of the concerned student with medical certificate or any other relevant documents, by the University authority. **The semester wise credit distribution of course-credit under three Years (six semester) B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Honours and Programme/General) courses of studies following UGC guidelines under CBCS curriculum are given in ANNEXURE-II (Table:4, 5 &6)
5.1. The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts: (a) Internal Assessment and (b) Semester end examination *** The detail evaluation process in semesterized UG courses of studies following UGC guidelines under CBCS curricula are given in ANNEXURE-III. The ratio of weightage between the semester-end-examination and internal assessment shall be 80:20. This should be highlighted in the Course/Syllabus outline of each programme. The College authority shall formulate its own method of Internal Assessment as per UGC guidelines, which shall be communicated to the students at the beginning of the Course. Generally there should be two examinations at the 9th week and 16th week of the course.
5.2. The paper setters, examiners, scrutinizers, reviewers (internal or external) and members of the Board of Moderators for each semester-end-examination will be appointed by the Controller of Examinations on the recommendation of the respective Under Graduate Board of Studies (UGBOS) as per the University Statute. a) Moderation of question papers will be done by the Board of Moderators (consisting of internal and at least one external moderator). Chairperson of the UGBOS will also be the-Chairperson of the Board of Moderators. b) External examiners will be appointed for conducting practical examinations. d) Honorarium will be paid to all paper-setters, examiners, scrutinizers, reviewers and external moderators. In addition, TA will be paid to external moderators/ examiners as per university rules. e) Moderated question papers will be handed over to the Controller of Examinations for printing, preservation and distribution, by the respective Chairperson of UGBOS. f) Distribution of answer scripts to the concerned examiners for evaluation will be done by the Deptt. of Controller of Examinations and the examiners will be bound for discharging their duties as per relevant provisions of the statue/rules of the state Govt. After evaluation, the award lists in sealed packet must be sent by the Head Examiner/examiner within stipulated time to the Controller of Examinations for timely publication of results.
5.3. In Semester-wise CBCS curricula, a complete Paper (Theoretical/Practical/Tutorial) carries Six (06) credits≌75 marks i.e. One (01) Credit≌12.5 Marks. Duration of Examination of Theoretical papers upto 30 marks: 11/4 hour (One hour and fifteen minutes) upto 60 marks: 21/2 hours (Two and half hours); upto 75 marks: 03 hours (Three hours) and above 75 marks: 04 hours (four hours) etc. Duration for Practical Examinations (upto 50 marks): Four (04) hours and upto 100 Marks: 6-8 (six to eight) hours etc. Full marks will be scaled down to 75, wherever needed for a 6(six) credit course and similar calculation will be applicable for other course(s) having credit less than 6(six).But it is not applicable in case of AECC & SEC Courses.
5.4. To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the final marks of internal assessments awarded to the students in each programme in a semester shall be published and put up on the notice board of the College, at least one week before the commencement of the semester end examination. In case, internal assessment is conducted by class tests, there shall generally be no retest if a student misses such a class test during an ongoing semester. He/she may be given a second chance only Regulations for Bachelor’s degree programme in Semesterized CBCS curricula of the University of Kalyani Page 6 with the permission of the Principal/Vice-Principal/TIC/Governing Body of the concerned College. The student has to justify his/her absence by providing authentic document(s).
5.6. The answer scripts of all internal assessment (in case of class tests) shall be shown to the students concerned.
5.7. Students who have failed in any semester examination may reappear for the same examination only twice in the subsequent period subject to the provision in clause-6.2 5.8. In order to qualify in a semester examination, a student shall have to get minimum 40% marks in each paper (Vide Clause-8.1).
6.1: (a) A candidate who fails to qualify or fails to appear in not more than two theoretical/practical paper (s) but secures 40% marks in each of the remaining papers in a semester, he/ she shall be treated as Failed but Supplementary (FS) and shall be allowed to pursue studies in the next semester. He/she shall generally be allowed to appear in supplementary examination(s) for only those papers in which he/she has failed. A student will be allowed to attempt one regular examination and at most two supplementary examinations to pass any paper of the course following clause-6.2 (b) If a candidate fails to qualify in more than two papers (theoretical /practical) in a semester he/she shall be treated as Failed but Repeat (FR) and shall have to repeat the semester as a whole in the next year. He/she shall not be allowed to join classes of the next semester. (c) The evaluated answer scripts of class tests taken for the internal assessment shall be preserved by the respective College authority according to clause-7.3 (d) The final marks obtained in internal assessment in any semester should be carried forward for FS & FR candidates. 6.2. A candidate eligible for supplementary examination as per 6.1(a) i.e. Failed but Supplementary (FS) or eligible for repeat semester as per 6.1(b) i.e. Failed but Repeat (FR) shall get a chance to appear at maximum of two consecutive supplementary examinations in the concerned semesters. In 03-year Bachelor's degree Programme, a candidate will have to qualify in all the semesters within a span of five years from the year of admission in the 1st semester of that programme.
6.3. A candidate who has failed in a theoretical paper, but has passed the practical, based on that course, need not appear in the practical examination of that course in the supplementary examination. 6.4. A candidate who has failed to appear in the practical portion of a combined course or in a full practical course, he/she should be treated as failed in that paper. 6.5. In case of combined course, a candidate should obtain at least 40% marks in that paper. 6.6. Where a candidate (FS/FR) is eligible to appear at supplementary examination or to appear again in any semester-end-examination as per 6.1(a) or 6.1(b) of this Regulation, he/she shall be required to apply to the Controller of Examinations, through the Principal of that College within 07 working days from publication of the result for enrollment in appropriate examination in which he/she failed to qualify. 7.
REVIEW & SCRUTINY 7.1. There shall be re-evaluation (review) of the answer scripts of theoretical papers of semester-endexaminations but not of Internal Assessment marks. However, for re-evaluation, the candidate has to apply through the concerned Principals/TIC of Colleges in a prescribed format, to the Controller of Examinations. Re-evaluation shall be permitted in not more than two theoretical papers for any semesterend-examination in the 3 year Bachelor's degree programme on submission of prescribed fees within 07 working days from the publication of result of concerned semester. No application for re-evaluation of practical papers shall be entertained. The examiner of a paper shall not be the reviewer of the same paper. 7.2. Scrutiny of the theoretical answer scripts shall be done by the teachers of the concerned discipline before sending the marks to the Controller of Examinations. A teacher who is the examiner of a paper shall not be the scrutinizer of the same paper. 7.3. The written answer scripts of each semester-end examination will be preserved by the Head Examiner upto the completion of review process of that answer scripts. After that the answer scripts shall be collected by the Controller of Examinations and shall be preserved in the University for 06 (Six) months only from the date of publication of that result of the said semester-end examination. The answer scripts of the class test or other records of internal assessment shall, however, be preserved in the College for six (06) months from the date of commencement of the next Semester. After that period, the scripts will be disposed off as per rules of the University. 8. GRADING & DIVISION: 8.1. Grade & Credit System, the semester end and final grade sheets and transcripts shall have following scale (scores on 100%), letter grades and grade points. SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): PERFORMANCE SCORE ON 100% POINTS LETTER GRADE GRADE POINT Outstanding 90 to 100 0 10 Excellent 80 to < 90 E 9 Very Good 70 to 90